Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dating rules - Don'ts

Dating rules - Don'ts
1st Do not call a person more than once a day when the answer. Hopelessness and instability is huge hate.
Do not use the 2nd day when you'll usually find people who dump you. You may be attracted to the overall bastards, but not to have anywhere except hurt.
3rd For men, not too late for a date, even if you have a good reason. Women should unexecuted pending and should not wear a seat - ever.
4th Do not lie to your date or pretend that something about your life, which is not true. If this is the perfect match for God's sake, do not allow wrecking some silly lie told at the beginning of the year.
5th not too available. Available each day of the week and at the end of each call, or perhaps bizarre meeting means that you make your own and may not doormat. It is busy, should be available and often delightful.
6th Do not give away too much about yourself at the beginning. People love mystery and lihim. Postcard with your new date your most secret within two digits of the date quickly wrecking all. A small piece of time for people.
7th not with other people, when you are with your date. You may think you are decent that your data is heading for the door. Has kindness of concentrating only on your data when you have it.
8th Do not be cocky or get drunk on a date. Courtesy and manners will get you everywhere.
9th Do not ignore your personal safety when dating. Do you have a mobile phone and keep it charged, tell your friends where you are going to be safe. Day in the first place in a well-known public places and never pushed anything you are not happy with.
10th Do not provide personal information such as your home phone number and address on the first date. Keep until you are sure your data and future possibilities.
11th Do not have sex on the first date, if you want to see your new day again. If you want and are interested in them, sex on the first date is usually destroy everything. It's too much too soon, and no way romantic. Believe me, I was 100% in some area.
No 12th wedding date someone. Do not leave their spouse for you (with the exception too rare). Dating married is a way to ensure fire sadness, nagdurugo, fraud, absence of respect for oneself and loss of patriotism. If you are married, the first stand-alone. If you are single, do not cry on my shoulder, deserve much better.

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